Part 1: The Study
Part 1: The Study

Freyja the Bunny embarks on a quest to understand and befriend the elusive winged cabbages that are native to her land. Gathering the tools she needs (books, cameras, and a proper cup of tea!) she begings her study to learn the habits and habitats of the winged cabbages.

Part 2: Found!
Part 2: Found!

Having found a winged cabbage family, Freyja continues her observations and studies on their behaviours.

Part 3: Friendship
Part 3: Friendship

Freyja’s hard work has paid off and she is delighted to find a winged cabbage has come to trust her and it alights on her hand.

Part 1: The Study
Part 2: Found!
Part 3: Friendship
Part 1: The Study

Freyja the Bunny embarks on a quest to understand and befriend the elusive winged cabbages that are native to her land. Gathering the tools she needs (books, cameras, and a proper cup of tea!) she begings her study to learn the habits and habitats of the winged cabbages.

Part 2: Found!

Having found a winged cabbage family, Freyja continues her observations and studies on their behaviours.

Part 3: Friendship

Freyja’s hard work has paid off and she is delighted to find a winged cabbage has come to trust her and it alights on her hand.

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